Crashes on first open since update. Usually stays open on second try.
Crashes on first open since update. Usually stays open on second try.
Cant share stories on Facebook, a lot of times they report a story on the news and its nowhere to be found in the app. Typical of small town news agencies I guess.
I love being able to check news updates and stories on the fly anywhere I am, but Ive given up on this app if I am short on time. For every 30 sec clip of news you watch 30 sec or more of the same ad over and over and over and over and over....
I swear if you offered a premium version without ads you guys would be rich. Its so freakin annoying. 30 second ads on every news video. Please change this or offer a premium version.
This app covers most of the photos of clips with a big grey arrow so you cant see the photos without viewing the video. Then it forces you to watch the same ad 30 second ad, every single time you want to watch said video. Its super irritating. Its easier to get my news from the local Fox or CBS apps.
Tired of every time you want to watch a video you have to watch ads. Stop the commercials!!!!
30 second ad EVERY time we want to watch a video? NO THANK YOU!
Tired of seeing same pictures on diff news stories. Why havent they fixed this all ready!
This is good news app with a variety of stories, and content which is updated fairly regularly. One thing that would help the credibility of this app would be to proofread articles for grammatical errors before posting.
Compared to other news apps, this app plays a commercial as long as most reports! It also makes you watch the same ad again if you re-watch the video. Ill delete and continue using the other guys app.
The concept of the app is great. Id love to be able to stay up on news articles and all, but I am starting to question their credibility. Grammar and spelling errors are extremely common. Language is also an issue. The reason I am writing this review stems from an article that feels like it was written by a middle schooler. Oh, and the ads are unbearable! Im all for ads, and understand that it is a staple in the industry, but come on guys! I have to watch the same ad over and over and over. Im very close to deleting the app completely! Would be a 1 star, but I gave it an extra star for how humorous this all is. Very hard to take serious anymore.